A motion picture company based on intellect and creativity, Diamond presents in-house production services where viewers can meet characters, learn stories, and discover other universes. Diamond’s projects are enhanced with powerful narratives through the production of film and animations, audio, VFX, and photography that motivates and inspires. The creative drive behind the films aspires to develop characters that individuals can relate to and learn about on an intimate level. From the influences of traditional and new media, Diamond designs entertainment into movies, television, games, and social media.Diamond’s production in-house studio services shape the story of discovering and learning about a character’s world. Both film and animations are created through character designs, 3D models, environments, and video editing. In addition, the audio studio brings original music, soundtracks, and sounds to generate the atmospheric mood of every scene. Live and in post-editing and recording sounds, music composition, and audio effects are formed through in-house productions. Diamond’s VFX builds visual effects for all films, shows, and videos. Using motion graphics, special effects animation services, and titling and captioning, the VFX service group elevates the experience of cinematography. Photography captures in-house specific imagery in order to portray moments from stills, landscapes, and architecture. From this, each character and their universe will be stunningly showcased.Within the media production services, Diamond has a specialized team organized for each ongoing project. The Diamond team incorporates modern technology to put together stories with a variety of perspectives and experiences.